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Patriotic Pops & Our Spring Flavors!

27 Feb

We admit it, we’re feeling a little pastriotic…

And now that we’ve gotten that out of our system, on to the spring flavors! (Sadly, we’re retiring the above-pictured apple pie for the moment–we’ve been disappointed in the apples’ lack of flavor lately, and it’s time to admit they’ve been in storage since October).

All the flavors below are available as 9″ pies or pie pops (sold only by the dozen). $25 for 9″ pies, $30 per dozen pie pops. We only use organic eggs, and if at all possible, organic produce.

Lemon-ginger Shaker Pie: An intense lemon custard made with paper thin slices of organic lemons and our own candied ginger.  This zippy, bright flavored pie with its chewy bits of ginger and lemon peel is a new favorite of ours.

Maple-pecan: Our pecan pie from last fall, (people LOVED this one) but this time sweetened with a dose of pure maple syrup. It’s syrup season, and we’re celebrating!

Sour Cherries with Brandy: Our favorite dried sour Michigan cherries poached with brandy and spices and tucked inside our flaky butter crust. A sophisticated take on sour cherry pie.

As always, we have our big, chewy chocolate chip cookies available for $24/dozen.

Call 773.344.1998 or email to place an order for delivery!


Cheap Tart